3 Things Men can do during the Next 4 Years.
There are various important initiatives and actions we can take as men that hold greater significance than just the next four years, but we can definitely begin to implement these impactful changes during the current four-year term of the Trump administration.
What’s a Father To Do?
Raising kids is undeniably hard enough on its own, and when you add in the complexities of abusive relationships to the mix, being a responsible father becomes even tougher. The challenges faced in such situations can create an overwhelming environment for both parents and children alike, making it essential to navigate these difficulties with care and understanding.
I Guess It Is Cuffing Season?
What is Cuffing Season? Amid all the political debates and emotional turmoil it is cuffing season. Learn what you can do to help your cuffing experience.
The Uncomfortable Search for Internal Validation
The uncomfortable search for internal validation is a retrospect of a conversation that hits at the core of adults but dates back to our founding/base ethics and morals we pick up form our parents.
As an adult these base rules come into question as we lead our lives. Some even trump our desires in disrupted depression. How we deal with them often come out as a crisis, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Quiet Time Is Required Again!
Being in your quiet spot is crucial for mental health. Finding that peace is similar to the last generations "dens" fast forward to now. I bet sitting in your favorite space, listening to an audio book, escaping the day.
Pitching a Tent
Worrying about family time? Worry about what it will belike with kids? Don’t be. Will things be different? YES.
Camping is a great way to spend that quality time and disconnect. Plus there are some awesome campsites across the world.
Four hardships of disappointment in intimacy.
Sex is everywhere from Donald Trump and Stormy to Netflix and chilling, but ED makes it difficult. Making sure to follow these steps to endure the best possible outcome. More sex/intimacy.
2 Tips to Avoid Spousal Neglect and 1 Secret to fix it!
Is there too much distance between you and your spouse? Are you upset with the way your marriage is turning out? Has the affection left the marriage. Here are two tips to recapture closeness.
Is Mental Health Really Being Dealt With – 6 Tips to Stay Ahead of a Layoff!
Dealing with a layoff is painful. What happens next is up to you. The mental toll is the worst part. Caring for yourself through the situation is critical, preventing the situation altogether is paramount. Here are 6 tips to get through it.
Top 3 Areas To Be Strong In As A Man In 2024
Life is hard, being physically fit is hard, our wellness is hard, and going to the gym is hard. Hell, being successful is hard. Here are the 3 areas to focus on to get you to a successful 2024.
Is the Art of Seduction Lost?
Is the Art of Seduction lost or has the environment changed?
Dry B*lls Rock!
Being a man is hard enough, but there is hope in new lines of products for us.
Talk to a Veteran
Great Day to talk to a Veteran. Although only about 7% of the population in the United States are Veterans share a word with one today.
Size matters let’s just admit it.
Discussing Compatibility Within Ourselves and Our Partners.
How to share your thoughts with your partner… with caution that’s how.
Communication is challenging enough among other males, then you add in females and spouses. It gets tougher but there is a system that can help.