Life/Sex Satisfaction - what’s that?
Capturing your groove at home and in the bedroom is so challenging as life gets more complicated.
This is not a some people deal with this situation, this is an everybody deals with this at some point in our lives. This blog will touch on a few tools (hehe) to keep in you pocket to help in those situations.
Key Points
Sexual Health concerns are caused by more things than we can count.
Intimacy and sex are critical to a relationship.
Having a group of referrals to use as issues come up WILL help.
Taking a pill as a more immediate solution, as opposed to adopting the holistic approach that focuses on the whole body and mind, can often lead to different outcomes in health management. While medication may provide quick relief from symptoms, the holistic approach emphasizes long-term wellbeing through natural methods, lifestyle changes, and prevention strategies. Each method has its own advantages and potential drawbacks, which makes understanding them crucial for making informed health decisions.
The journey to whole body health is foreign to us in the world of specializations. We have specialists for every aspect of our life. For instance, when my Dodge Charger was having problems I didn’t take it to a mechanic, I had to take it to a transmission specialists. The days of one caretaker knowing it all is gone. The cool thing is that we have a referral system in place for most situations. True professionals will have a pocket full of partners that can help. The life-sex (intimacy) situation is no different.
This blog may be designed for the male experience however subjects shared here are to encompass a better situation for all. Yes there are pills and medication for certain things, Below is a quick list of products for specific issues. The results vary cording to the individual and the video Sex Matters with Dr. Rachel Rubin shares why a broader view should be applied to the situation in the bedroom.
Sample of resources for specific issues that might be troubling your night time activities:
🔷 Sleep health is critically important to overall well-being — how many times has being tired impeded you from embarking on that intimate bedroom journey? The condition of your sleeplessness and feeling drained can significantly affect many areas of your life; from concentration to weight loss, maintaining a healthy sleep regiment plays an essential and influential role in your daily experiences. Prioritizing sleep health can unlock a path to not just physical wellness but also emotional balance and confidence. No more bags under the eyes, look your absolute best for all your exciting adventures by tapping into sleep.
🔷 The ability to hold a meaningful conversation (introducing The Tao of Badass 2.0) is absolutely critical for the intimacy levels to peak for couples, and this skill is equally important for singles as well. I have discovered that staying caught up on current trends, engaging in discussions about politics, and exploring each other's fantasies is truly the most effective way to enhance the creative intimacy between partners. This shared knowledge and open dialogue not only fosters a deeper connection but also allows for richer, more fulfilling interactions.
🔷 Let's admit it, gents, physical appearance truly matters more than we often acknowledge. No, you do not have to be as handsome as Clooney or Pitt to feel confident, but part of that overall appearance is the spare tire around your waist that tends to get in the way of having a good time. The concept of the "Dad Bod" seems to be the limit at the edge of acceptable unhealthiness in today's society. I'm not saying that love diminishes or that relationships lose their spark, but rather that they could indeed be better and more fulfilling. Interestingly, the number of intimate positions tends to increase the healthier we are, as well as our partners, too. I’m not entirely sure what the graphical curve looks like, but I’m envisioning it as an exponential increase in satisfaction as health is regained or perfected over time.
Stocked Toolkit
Now that our tool kit is stocked with a few specific tools lets look at underlying causes of intimacy issues. This is the tougher work that needs to be done. Mostly because we do not want to be accountable for being lax in our own health. This is the responsibility factor of being a man, the man, her man, his man, ANY man. Our responsibility is to provide and support all facets of our relationships (and we unfortunately know that).
Tony Robbins stated in Awaken The Giant Within “we’ve got flabby decision-making muscles!”, however the decision to manage (co-manage) intimacy is vital to maintaining a healthy sex life, a healthy intimacy life. Describing the situation sounds simple - I’ll take a pill and the moment is saved, but not the situation. The secret tool we have at our disposal is a therapist. I know I know, I always hated those words to. A regular therapist might be fine however if the focus point is that intimacy and sex are in danger why see a therapist for depression, maybe a specialist is exactly what is needed.
This is CLARITY, and continuing with my main man Tony “this kind of clarity gives you power.” - Without further ado…
Introducing Sex Matters with Dr. Rachel Rubin and guest Marianne Brandon PHD, are here to discuss the need for overall health as it related to intimacy concerns. You can also read more from Dr. Marianne in Psychology Today, some great articles, in her blog called The Future of Intimacy.
The cool part of this small video is that truth that they bring. They share a pivotal idea, men don’t care about blood work details. I may lightly care about how high my cholesterol is but I care more about bedroom stamina. A1C levels, not really concerned, length of play in the bedroom yes please, lets talk. If a doctor can convert that to a bedroom behavior I bet more men would love to go to the doctors office.
Men, if there ever was a reason to go to the doctors, dentists, and yes therapists, better intimacy is the best reason.