Pulling the Band Aid Approach
I’m not quite sure where to start in this particular moment of reflection. From the left, we are swiftly labeled as “aggressors” if we express our thoughts and articulate our needs in a candid way. While from the right, we are often categorized as “sissies” if we dare to discuss our feelings openly.
Yet, the question remains: where are men in politics today? I’ll tell you where—many of the generation of latchkey boys are now ripe for political office. These individuals have gained a wealth of life experience, likely served in the military, and are genuinely concerned about the future of our society and what it holds for generations to come.
Pew Research shared that from 1960 to 1994, the Democratic Party maintained control over the congressional majorities, while in the last 20 years, the House of Representatives has shifted control a total of four times. This evolving political landscape is setting the stage for significant polarized change, creating an environment that is ripe for underdogs to begin making meaningful inroads in the political arena. This phenomenon mirrors what happened with Uber when the traditional taxi industry was failing to provide the level of service that consumers expected and deserved. A niche market started to answer the call.
High-priced cabs, coupled with rude cab drivers and the presence of dirty cars, collectively created an experience that left many dissatisfied customers feeling frustrated. This unfortunate situation provided an opening for an underdog in the industry to slip through the cracks and successfully reset the entire game of service, offering a refreshing alternative that prioritized customer experience.
Currently, it appears that Independents and moderates are likely to become the prevailing political flavor unless either of the majority parties can successfully begin to pull their strategies and messages together. As a point of reminder, it’s important to note that other political parties have played a role in the US political landscape throughout history, including the Green Party, Libertarians, the Constitution Party, and the Natural Law Party. Is the party choice that important in the long run? It’s no uncommon to notice politicians switch parties from time to time, such as RFK jr., in the 2024 presidential run, moved from Democratic, to Independant, to signing on to the Republican ballot with President Trump.
Why would this be brought up in a men’s health blog?
Because we, men, are deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of our families and loved ones. Because we genuinely want the best for our neighbors, whether they come from foreign lands or are fellow citizens at home. Because the outcome of either political party winning by only a slight majority of votes is simply not enough to address the pressing issues we face. We urgently need to see effective solutions that truly benefit the masses as well as reform the outdated electoral college system. Some studies suggest that men with families typically tend to vote Republican, while the opposite is more common for unmarried men, who usually lean toward the Democratic side. This observation suggests to me that when we have others depending on us, we often prioritize accountability and the ideals that align with our responsibilities. I’m betting it is the innate provider instinct within us that drives us into a mode of searching for security and stability in our choices.
What the current Republican and Democrat parties have essentially done is create a situation that forces the smaller independent parties to align themselves with the masses in order to be heard and gain any traction. This is neither healthy or beneficial for the survival of our independent voice.
To enhance your mental health and cultivate a level of confidence that truly reflects your abilities and aspirations, there are three essential tasks you can undertake.
🔷 First, become actively involved in your local government. Attend the local town meetings regularly and express your opinions with clarity and authenticity. While it is important to be respectful, don’t dilute your opinion—share your genuine feelings and articulate what you hope to see happen in your community.
🔷 Second, choose a political party that resonates with your beliefs, rather than simply opting for the larger party options, even if it means supporting a smaller party. Swapping parties frequently can be viewed as a sign of indecision or concern unless you have a compelling reason for making such a change.
🔷 Lastly, commit to reading, reading, and reading some more. There is simply no way around this critical task. To remain informed about public issues, it is essential to stay up to date on how current leaders are casting their votes on your behalf. Keeping track of how your representatives are voting will empower you to assess how active you need to be in political matters. The links below are have a short list of some good political reads to fill your brain bucket with.
Let the actions and decisions of those in power serve as proof that you are indeed in the right party for you.
The opposing slope of lower majorities presents an interesting dynamic in various contexts. This phenomenon often leads to shifts in perspectives and approaches among different groups.
The other benefit of getting involved is the conviction and passion for finding a cause to fight for. It’s no secret the passionate man is so consumed with the mission that focus becomes the secret weapon of desire. The blog provider Medium shared a story -
Love politics, she will love you.
Yes, women do respond to confident men. But that man also has to have whatever other features or qualities they’re attracted to or nothing is going to happen. If a woman isn’t interested in someone who doesn’t stay informed on politics, they sure aren’t going to find someone who is confidently ignorant about the subject attractive.
If that isn’t enough reasons to get involved with politics then its time to step up you living through health. Adding just a few supplements into your life can make the confidence and skyrocket and the waistline diminish. Which equals more of what matters. Longer campaigning, both in bed and in the public forums.
In conclusion, men have a vital role to play in politics, not just for their sake but for the betterment of society as a whole. Their diverse perspectives, advocacy for pertinent issues, commitment to leadership, fresh ideas, and skill development can collectively lead to a more just and equitable world.