Books are the most economical way to grow your personal knowledge in the shortest amount of time..
Besides the love for knowledge books were my way to escape some of the negative aspects of life. I would spend hours in the library avoiding the bullies, avoiding family members, avoid even school at times. Finding fictional scapes to drift off in was my medication to a world that was not suited for me.
Below you will find that I support brick and mortar bookshops. Have I used other venues when needed yes, however I’m working to change my ways and push forward the idea that supporting the local businesses in my community is more valuable than saving a dollar. Plus the below links have advantages.
Book stores below support different programs that I find valuable in the communities. I hope you find the value as I do.
Local Independent B&M Book Sellers
The heart ad stone of the entreprenmeurial adventure. Owning a small bookshop where the patron i a super local out to enjoy the person to person interactions, and ussually a cup of joe. The brick and mortar book shop expereince is one that cannot be recreated in a large setting. The closeness of the isles make the patron have to enjoy the smell of written pages.
Franchised Book Sellers
Although a larger book seller, I’v always found the community involvement encouraging. I’ve see more author events through Barnes & Noble than any other venue. As an author and parent it is clear that B&N cares about the communities.
Audio Books Still Rock!
Audio books still fill my library. My ride to work is not a waste time space anymore. I read (listen) to dozens of books a year through audio books. Elevate your knowledge by using your drive time to the max.