I Guess It Is Cuffing Season?

What the heck is that right? What is Cuffing Season?

We have entered the the season known as “cuffing season” that time where people connect to avoid the lonely holiday season of constant get togethers, company after parties, family dinners, and a whole gambit of judgement that comes with it.

Love - Desire - Need - its all in our senses.

It is no secret we all would rather be with someone, science has shared many benefits that couples have over singles. Lowered blood pressure, better hormone balance, of course sex to, plus the benefit of having a second opinion (better opinion) for my outfit choices. But it’s more than that.

Coupling supplies a need. A deeper desire to find our place in a social world. We are human, designed to survive and use our different senses to make our way through our time here. In my opinion the fact that we have all the sensory paths convinces me that we are social being and need interactions. Whether that comes in the form of love, affection, touch, intimacy, stimulating conversation, or cuffing. We need interaction to survive and complete ourselves.

One of my favorite books - The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts, written by Dr. Gary Demonte Chapman, an author and relationship counsellor.

This blog post isn’t meant to be sappy, but it is meant to share our desire to connect on levels deeper than normal functioning.

This book has been a valuable peice to figuring out my own needs when connecting to others. The 5 secrets have pushed my communication skills to a new level. But not just in my marriage.

But in business to.

Social constructs are everywhere, the emotional evidence is worn on our sleeves for all to see - everyday. Every walk into the office and someone ask “is everything okay” or when you get home and a family member asks the same thing. We are emotional mirrors of our internal selves and learning how to detect the need someone uses as their emotional safe spot will give you the ability to connect faster, deeper, and more completely.

With duffing season upon us, understanding the underlying desire will be a success story for the later seasons to come.

Marcus LaPointe

Affiliate Marketer | Facilities Management Professional | Ghostwriter | Dad | Husband


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